News & Events
Liberty Tobacco Christmas Eve & Christmas Hours
Humidor Sale at Liberty Tobacco
Come on in for the humidor sale. All premium humidors are discounted 20% off the listed price. Now through Dec 24.
Wednesday Nov 30th Celebrating Winston Churchill’s birthday
Liberty Tobacco Black Friday Deals all week long
Liberty Tobacco will be open Thanksgiving at 5pm-9pm
Veterans Day Specials at Liberty Tobacco
Join us here at Kearney Mesa 7341 Clairemont Mesa Blvd. Veteran's Day specials and BBQ. BBQ 12-3pm
Rutgers says “NO” on 56
A letter to the Editor of the Union Tribune
Dear Editor: I wish to remind California voters that Proposition 56 will affect the pocketbooks of an estimated 500,000 state taxpayers who have nothing at all to do with cigarettes. These are consumers of premium cigars and pipe tobacco. California is...
November 5th Rally for NO on Prop 56 at Liberty Tobacco
Howard Jarvis Take on Prop 56
LA Times recent poll on Prop 56
Congressman Duncan Hunter was tobacco for our military
Hunter wants free tobacco for military Congressman says new FDA policy shouldn’t stop tobacco companies from donating tobacco to service members By Joshua Stewart | 5:30 p.m. Sept. 8, 2016 Rep. Duncan Hunter. Carolyn Kaster Rep. Duncan Hunter. Rep. Duncan...
Meet Eric Stokkebye at Liberty Tobacco Kearny Mesa
Join us Tuesday October 4th and meet master pipe maker Eric Stokkebye
Just 13% of Prop 56 tax goes to tobacco programs. what gives?
Cigar Rights of America News Letter
August 25, 2016 California Cigar Voters Vote No On Proposition 56 A Tax Increase On Premium Cigars Dear Cigar Voters and Great American Cigar Shops of California: Take action now. Say NO to California Prop 56 and stop the tax increase on...
A news letter from CRA in regards to FDA
August 23, 2016 FDA Went Too Far...The Message from The Mainstream Media is Clear FDA HAS GONE TOO FAR! Since the announcement of a final rule regulating premium cigars and other tobacco products in early May, industry associations,...
Liberty Tobacco Labor Day Weekend Specials
Come on In!
Kearney Mesa
9:30 AM – 9 PM
9:30 AM – 9 PM
Del Mar
10 AM – 8 PM
10 AM – 6 PM
Kearney Mesa
(858) 292-1772
7341 Clairemont Mesa Blvd.
San Diego, CA 92111
Del Mar
(858) 523-9240
2650 Via De La Valle C-230
Del Mar, CA 92014